Podcast | DPO Update: Corona virus, medical devices, RTBF in search engines and latest fines
Judit Garrido-Fontova and Alex Dittel give an update on recent developments in privacy law as part of Kemp Little’s DPO service, including:
- Brief update on data protection during the corona outbreak. Link.
- The Croatian EU presidency has issued its ePrivacy proposal. Link.
- The Danish data protection authority (‘Datatilsynet’) has published guidelines on processing the personal information of website visitors. Link.
- Cookies guidance from the French CNIL (link) and the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (link).
- The ICO has launched its consultation on our draft guidance on the AI auditing framework. Link
- Resolution of the European Parliament on automated decision-making processes: ‘Ensuring consumer protection and free movement of goods and services’. Link.
- The Spanish AEPD has published a guide for GDPR compliance in relation to products and services using artificial intelligence. Link.
- Gaughran v. United Kingdom before the European Court of Human Rights. Link.
- Guidance on Cybersecurity for medical devices. Link.
- Opinion of the Advocate General in the case of Orange România SA v ANSPDCP (Case C-61/19). Link.
- European Data Protection Supervisor issued guidance on data subject rights for European institutions. Link.
- €800 award in compensation against Österreichische Post AG reversed by Innsbruck appeals court. Link. Lloyd v Google appeal is granted to proceed to the Supreme Court and expected at the end of 2020.
- The Spanish Data Protection Agency has published a template for data protection impact assessments. Link
- ICO’s detailed guidance on certification schemes (link) and codes of conduct (link).
- The Polish DPA has imposed a fine of around £4,000 on a school in Gdansk for processing fingerprint data. Link
- European Data Protection Board’s guidance on the right to be forgotten in the context of search engines (Part 1). Link.
- The Swedish Data Protection Authority imposes a fine of approximately €7 million on Google for failure to comply with delisting obligations. Link.
- Garante fined La Spienza €30,000 for disclosing whistle blower details. Link.
- Facebook settles a privacy claim relating to biometric data at $550M. Link.
- Facebook fined €51,000 in Germany for failing to appoint a DPO. Link.
- ICO fines Cathay Pacific Airways Limited £500,000 for lack of security. Link.
- The Dutch Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens issued a fine of €525,000 to a tennis association for selling personal data. Link.
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