Everything you want to know about agile software development
To create the new digital services they need to compete, smart businesses are turning to more agile development methodologies. Traditional software development – the so-called waterfall methodology where you first agree the brief, then build the system, test the system and finally deploy the finished product – can take months if not years to deliver.
Choose agile software development and you can act on new ideas and get them to market in just a few weeks. The agile principle is to build in short bursts, seeking feedback from users at every stage and constantly refining the software. One of the most popular agile development methodologies is Scrum, a lightweight framework that helps a small, close knit group of people create complex software. With a certified ScrumMaster on our team, we’re very familiar with agile development techniques.
It almost goes without saying that the contractual requirements for agile development are significantly different from the waterfall approach with its firm specification, delivery deadlines and final sign off. When you go with the agile model you need a contract with your IT partner that recognises and accommodates a more fluid approach to delivery, along with the attendant risks and accountabilities. Kemp Little has lot of experience in successfully drafting agreements that capture the benefits of agile development and secure the appropriate contractual protections for all parties.
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