They are excellent, with strength in depth relating to technology and data.
"On 29 January 2021, the Kemp Little team joined Deloitte Legal. Click here to view the press release.
As of 30 January 2021, Kemp Little LLP ceased to operate as a firm of solicitors and practice law and ceased to be regulated and authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
Kemp Little LLP has been re-named KL Heritage LLP.
If you are looking to contact a specific individual to seek legal advice or in respect of any other business relationship, please contact Deloitte Legal.
If you are seeking to contact the old Kemp Little LLP in relation to a previous business relationship or matter, please get in touch with KL Heritage LLP.
For enquiries relating to Kemp Little technology products and training portal, please email deloittelegal@deloitte.co.uk
Kemp Little is a trade name used under licence by KL Heritage LLP (formerly Kemp Little LLP, registered number OC300242 and VAT number 182 8854 65).
On 29 January 2021, the Kemp Little team joined Deloitte Legal. As of 30 January 2021, Kemp Little ceased to operate as a firm of solicitors and practice law. From this date Kemp Little ceased to be authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and is being re-named KL Heritage LLP.
All references to Kemp Little herein are references to KL Heritage LLP, which used to carry on business in that name.
KL Heritage LLP is not connected to or associated with Deloitte Legal or Deloitte LLP in any capacity.